Joining the Block

Membership in WBI is open to writers of color of all genres. Membership is open without prejudice to gender, political opinions, publishing status, background, education, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, etc. Members must support the mission, objectives, and programs of WBI and agree to act in accordance of the organization’s bylaws, policies and procedures.

Guests are allowed to attend two meetings at no cost. This gives guests time to assess the group and determine if WBI will meet their needs. After the second visit, guests may still attend; however, a per meeting fee is applicable or guests may join at the regular dues rate of $40.00 per year. Payment of membership fees can be made through a variety of payment options–check, money order, or credit card. To ensure membership is credited properly, existing or returning members are asked to submit membership fees in January of every year at the full membership rate. New members joining between January and June pay the full membership rate of $40.00 and new members joining between July and December pay a pro-rated rate of $20.00.

One Year Membership $40.00               


Pro-rated Membership $20.00
(For new members joining between July and December)